Our mission is simple but straightforward, “Committed to Lives of Excellence.” Our members should be committed to living lives that reflect themselves, the Fraternity and every part of their being to a level of excellence. We, as a Fraternity, are dedicated to helping men achieve this level of excellence in their own lives. The Mission and Values of our Fraternity are a public version of the private Ritual we hold dear and are the driving force behind the operations of our Fraternity.
Truth is fundamental to any organization, but truth is particularly critical to Delta Tau Delta because honest relationships are mandatory for Brotherhood. Telling the truth to yourself and others is fundamental to your commitment to a life of personal and professional excellence.
Courage means aggressively taking on challenges and being a leader in the face of adversity. It means caring for the lives of the people around you and understanding that sometimes saying “NO” is a necessary act of responsibility and love for your Brothers and the Fraternity as a whole.
Faith is a belief in yourself that what you are doing is right. Whether your faith comes from yourself, your family or your god. Faith also means being loyal and trusting among people. It means knowing people will make correct choices or decisions provided they have the necessary information and they understand the result of their actions.
Power begins as inner strength. Power is a combination of talents and inherent abilities and wisdom. Through united individuals, we can do so much more as a brotherhood than we can alone. The power of an organization, when combined with truth, courage and faith leads us into the future and ensures success.
New Member Fee: $85 - Provides you access to MyDelt resources which include online officer training and leadership development modules. In addition, this pays for your new member pin, Founding Father t-shirt and covers your registration in the Fraternity.
Initiation Fee: $155.00 - Once the colony meets certain requirements like getting its Bylaws in place, recruiting additional members, setting its dues structure, etc. it will charter and become a full chapter in Delta Tau Delta. This fee goes toward your initiation dues. Pays for your badge, membership certificate, and a lifelong subscription to the Fraternity's member magazine The Rainbow.
Membership Fee: $225 - This money becomes the operating budget for the International Fraternity. Money in this fund provides for the colony’s registration for various Fraternity programs and conferences, staff support, materials, supplies, etc.
Local Dues: This money goes directly to colony operations. Colonies use this money for recruitment, food, socials, brotherhood, service, etc. Local dues will be decided by a vote of the colony.
Delta Tau Delta takes great pride in our commitment to academics, as we firmly believe that academics come first. Our dedication to scholastic excellence is a core value that drives our members to excel both inside and outside the classroom. This commitment is reflected in our strong performance during the fall 2024 semester, where our chapter achieved an impressive average GPA of 3.42.
Delta Tau Delta and Breakthrough T1D (formerly JDRF) have formed a national partnership focused on philanthropic endeavors and community service. All chapters and colonies on college campuses nationwide are encouraged to work closely with local Breakthrough T1D chapters in order to raise funds and awareness about type 1 diabetes (T1D). Breakthrough T1D is the worldwide leader for research toward curing, treating and preventing T1D and its complications.