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Open Rush: Open Rush is the opportunity to join a chapter without going through the formal rush process that occurs during Rush Week. After Bid Day, fraternities have the opportunity to opt into this process where they can take new members if they please. While the process is a great way to find a chapter following formal recruitment, not all chapters participate in this process.

Chapters Participating in Open Rush 2025: Beta Upsilon Chi, Chi Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Rho, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Mu, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Chi, & Zeta Psi​


At Clemson, fraternity recruitment is a process in which you have the opportunity to join a lifelong brotherhood. There are two main parts of recruitment: informal (pre-rush) recruitment and formal recruitment. Registration for IFC Rush at Clemson University is done through Campus Director.


  • All first-year students.

  • If you are a returning Clemson student or transferring from another institution, you must have a 2.7 cumulative GPA. You would have a Clemson GPA if you attended at least one semester and taken any classes with grades, including summer classes for students that are not in the Bridge to Clemson program.

  • Current Bridge Students are not able to participate.

  • You should not be an initiated brother/full member of any other national fraternity whether at Clemson University or from another campus. If you are a transfer student wishing to affiliate with the chapter you joined at your previous school, please email the chapter president for the chapter here at Clemson (can be found at using chapter contact list above) and .

  • You must complete all registration and pre-rush education processes.

  • If you are a crossing Bridge student or transferring from another institution, you will need to provide your final transcript (unofficial is acceptable). You will be able to upload this when you register. Failure to upload your transcript if you are a crossing Bridge or transfer student can disqualify you from the rush process.


IFC Pre-Rush Orientation: During this session we will cover important things to know about joining a fraternity. You will be assigned your Orientation date/time based on your Rush Guide Group.​

IFC Post-Rush Orientation: This will take place the Sunday after Bid Distribution each semester. During this we will discuss the expectations of chapters, new members, and cover important policies and resources around personal health and safety.

IFC New Member Series: This information will be shared with you if you receive a bid from your chapter. This consists of 4 developmental workshops hosted by IFC upperclassmen that focus on personal development, well-being, and being a part of a community larger than yourself. Participation is mandatory for any individual that receives a bid and chooses to join a chapter within IFC.

Clemson Smokers


Pre-Rush Events: Prior to the start of Rush, chapters may host “Pre-Rush” Events. These events do not require you to be registered for Rush. These events are required to be dry and any chapter found violating the dry event policy may be sanctioned by the IFC.

IFC Meet the Fraternities: This is open to any individual interested in learning more about IFC chapters at Clemson University. This is a free event and does not require you to be registered to attend. This event will occur once students arrive back to campus before the Rush registration deadline.

Smokers: All registered and eligible participants are invited to attend. This is an opportunity to interact with each chapter and continue building connections.

First Invite Round: Invitation only. Chapters are split into groups over three evenings. Each chapter will only have one time slot to host events during this round. Potential new members will receive a text/email from the chapter notifying them if they have been notified and the details for the event.

Final Dinner: Invitation only. Chapters are split into groups over two evenings. Each chapter will only that time slot to host events during this round. Potential new members will receive a text/email from the chapter notifying them if they have been notified and the details for the event.


Please click the link below to view the contact information of both the President and Recruitment Chair for each chapter.

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